A Shoreline Owner's Guide to Healthy Waterfronts
For generations, picturesque lakes have lured families from across Ontario to fish, boat and swim. At the lake, people discover the enchanting call of the loon, the sight of painted turtles basking on logs and the magnificent sight of osprey soaring above crisp blue waters.
The popularity of retreating to Ontario’s lakes for rest and recreation is growing. As a result, development on the shorelines of our lakes is taking place at an unprecedented rate. In addition to this increased development, more and more people are extending their time at the cottage to live there year round. To preserve the lake environment that brought us there in the first place, it is imperative for us to understand our impacts and to know how to reduce them.
This guide offers you background information and advice on ways to make the most of your shoreline property while living in balance with your lake’s fragile ecosystem.
Click here to download the full guide: A Shoreline Owner's Guide to Healthy Waterfronts (PDF)
Water Levels -
For updated information about water levels in our lakes, click on this link to the Government of Canada's
Parks Canada Water Level Management site
Fact Sheets
The Benefits of Natural Shorelines
Halburton County Proposed Shoreline Preservation By-Law Info Sheet